The Tale of the Mysterious Creature

In which my youngest son spins a yarn about mysterious creatures coming out of magical gates.

The Tale of the Mysterious Creature
A black cat-like creature surrounded by flames
I struck a deal with my youngest son: we would both write stories about mysterious "fluffel" creatures coming out of magical gates. This is my son's story, mine will be a two-part monster story starting next week.

One day, there was a man named Steve. He liked to read books. He also was a shop owner. At one point, when Steve was sleeping, he was woken up by a weird sound. Steve walked slowly to the sound, and then he saw it! Ahead of him in the hallway, he saw a door and then the door opened, and light burst out. Steve closed his eyes because he didn’t want to be blinded. After the light dimmed, Steve opened his eyes. The door wasn’t glowing anymore, but he knew whatever came out of the door was in his house. Steve walked back to his room and slowly fell back asleep.

After a long day of selling food. Steve walked home from his shop. That night, Steve heard some meowing. Steve slowly climbed out of bed and walked over to the meowing sound. He went to the kitchen and opened a cupboard. Just then, Steve saw a ball of fluff! Steve picked up the fuzzball and petted it. It looked kind of like a cat. “I am going to call you a fluffel. Steve went over to the refrigerator and pulled out some rotisserie chicken. Steve fed the chicken to the fluffel, and the fluffel ate all of the chicken in one gulp. “Wow! You’re a big eater!” Steve said. Steve walked up the stairs, and the fluffel followed.   

 The next morning, Steve woke up with the fluffel snoozing on his back. “Time to wake up!” Steve said to the fluffel. The fluffel jumped off Steve’s bed and rolled down the stairs with Steve walking after him. When Steve walked downstairs, the fluffel was already on the table. Steve shooed the fluffel off the table, picked it up, and walked to his shop with the fluffel. Steve put the fluffel in a veggie crate because he thought the fluffel would only eat meat.   

After a day of running the shop, Steve went over to the veggie crate to bring the fluffel back home, but then he saw that the fluffel ate the carrots! When Steve got back home, his fluffel immediately jumped off of Steve’s arms and started eating his dinner Steve had made for him.   

In the morning, Steve said he would go on an adventure in a cave. “You’ll have to come with me though.” Steve said. Steve started to pack up his stuff for the adventure. After Steve packed up all his stuff, he picked up his fluffel and walked to the cave. After a few minuets of  traveling, Steve finally found the cave. He stopped to give his fluffel some food and then he ventured into the cave. A few minutes later, Steve saw some light and he walked toward it. Steve walked around a corner of the cave to see what the light was and then he saw it! It was lava! And on the other side of the lake there was a portal! Steve walked to the edge of the lava lake but then he accidentally dropped the fluffel into the lava! The lava made a burbling noise before a weird black shape rose out of the lava! It looked kind of like a big mass of tar, except it was shaped like Steve’s fluffel. “Even though it isn’t a good time to say this, I think I will call you a tar fluffel!” Steve said. The tar fluffel jumped at Steve and tried to bite him, but Steve quickly dodged to the right and the tar fluffel chased him around the ledge until Steve ran and jumped over to the other side of the lava lake and through the portal that was at the end of the lake. Steve’s vision wavered before Steve could see again and then he saw he went through the portal. He saw he was in a world like earth, but the grass was blue, and the trees were purple.  


For those interested in my version of the story (a scary one for Halloween!), read it here:

The Basement in the Basement, Pt 1
In which Marvin inherits a ramshackle cabin, toxic potatoes, awful neighbors, and a hidden room.