The Proving of Champions, Chapter 6

In which Fleta takes lessons from Shaw and Alexei is not overly worried about having died.

A camp breaking at dawn in a jungle.

The Thorgarick camp broke with the dawn. Red-gold sunlight, crossed with light green shadows, pierced the sea of leaves above in shafts of swirling dust. Bird song, strangely loud and deep, pealed through the air and mixed with plaintive calls of stranger beasts. As the day warmed, the buzz of insects would slowly begin to crescendo towards the afternoon. Aside from Shaw, the Thorgarick men paid little heed to the peculiar sights or sounds of the jungle. The Thorigarick men moved stiffly, stifling groans. They focused only on the stiff canvas bags they were packing, the scratch of the course climbing ropes they repaired, and the metal bite of their tree-climbing claws. Fleta waited, already packed and prepped, at the trunk of the tree. Alexei, with nothing to pack, waited meekly where Bernia could watch him with dark-ringed eyes while she attached metal spikes to the toes of her boots.

Terrel conferred with Shaw and Hereward in a voice like the low rumble of faint thunder as packed disciples, and soldiers clumped at the trunk of their arboreal camp.

"We entered the Jungle with the goal of connecting with the champions and discovering why the scouts who entered after them have not returned. We have, in part, fulfilled that mission by discovering our own champion," he nodded gravely to Fleta, who squirmed at the title. "And by experiencing firsthand the attack of an unseen enemy using beasts. Unfortunately, there is further evidence of this enemy; they have stolen the gate seeds, and we cannot return without them."

A stern look from Hereward quickly quelled the camp's mutterings. The branch beneath them continued groaning with the shifting burden of desperate warriors. Terrel waited until all human voices were silent, but loud trills and whoops from the Jungle surrounded their conversation.

"Thankfully, we have several avenues for opening the Gate, and by the grace of Thorgarick, we will finish our mission and return home," Terrel said quietly. "Our first hope is that another order opens the Gate from their side. This means we need to leave a guard at the Gate to send a signal." Fleta started to open her mouth, but Shaw put a hand on her shoulder with a look that said much. The Skald was giving the small Thorgarick camp as much hope as possible, and it would be unwise to mention how unlikely this first method of escape would be. "Second, we know where Fleta dropped a seed, and may be able to find more, and so we will send a scouting party in that direction. Lastly, I have some indication of where to find the Valcot camp, and perhaps they have some ingenious device that has hidden or otherwise preserved their Gate keys."

"What about the umbraches?" asked Daralis. She was a willowy, golden-haired disciple with bright blue eyes and crow's feet. The word she used for their unseen enemies, umbrach, was properly used for a follower of the Paragon of assassins and thieves. Everyone nodded along except Alexei, who furrowed his brow in confusion at the reference.

"The best strategy is to gather as many people as we can quickly, retreat, and decide on what action to take with a larger force and more resources," Terrel said calmly. "We will keep our eyes open. If they interfere, we will defend ourselves. But engaging unknown enemies with unknown numbers would be foolish."

"So what are we doing first?" Romil asked. He was one of Hereward's soldiers.

"I understand our group is small, but speed is of the essence," Terrel said. "We split up. Shaw and Fleta will look for the seed. The two of them should be able to take care of themselves and outpace most threats. The question is who and how many to send to the arch. The tunnels of roots by the Gate are relatively narrow and could be held by a small group of two or three. The danger there is not beasts, which avoid the area immediately around the gate. The danger is that we don't know if our unseen enemy shares the animals' aversion. If their goal is to keep up us from returning to the Marble Halls, they might have posted guards or prepared an ambush."

"I can watch the Gate," Alexei said.

Terrel paused with a long, deep frown. "You would have to sleep sometime, and we need to watch the Gate at all times. You should not go alone."

"I just slept. I am good for... days."

"Hmm," Terrel replied. "Still, we should have someone from the Marble Halls to connect with whoever opens the gate. Bernia, would you be willing to accompany Alexei?"

Bernia nodded very slowly.

"Good. Then the rest of you will travel with me. Lianna, you're my scout since Shaw is not coming with us. The easiest way to signal each other is with a fire at pre-ordained times. If you need help, set a smoky fire in the canopy at noon and sunset. Each group is to send someone to climb to the canopy and check for smoke at the same times: noon or sunset."

Hereward frowned. "I don't much care for the creature, but this does leave us without the fighting prowess of our champion or the creature from the... Damned Market."

"Yes, however, we have you, your men, and two disciples of Thorgarick," Terrel said. "If the other groups can survive in pairs, we ought to get by with the seven of us. Should we face an emergency, I do have a gift that may help us in combat, although I am reluctant to use it in the Jungle. Fleta should be able to come swiftly, should the need arise." Terrel turned toward their shy champion. "Fleta, if you hear my call, come right away."

"Aye," Thera nodded her head, forgetting herself, and then soluted. The High Skald was said to have the give of a thundering voice. It was an oddly mild gift for a High Skald of Thorgarick, and there were rumors that he had achieved his position more through hard work or politics than the strength of his gift. No one Fleta's age had ever heard Terrel use his gift—although perhaps Hereward had.

"Hereward, organize your soldiers, and Daralis, stay close." Terrel continued brusquely. He nodded to Shaw and Bernia and then blew a whistle, although it made no audible sound. Then the High Skald pulled out a compass without marked directions. When nothing happened, he sighed and turned to Lianna. "Take us east. The Volcat skald said their plan was to head east and draw the monster to them. I doubt they have continued the hunt, but they may still be eastward."

As Terrel left with most of the camp, Alexei and Fleta stood in awkward silence. Shaw turned to Bernia: "The Gate's that way, northeast. It's hard to get the direction of the sun from down on the ground. Check the blue flowers. They are very sensitive to light and heliotropic, so they'll be facing east for the next several hours. You're headed in the right direction if you find a natural valley of roots running in a northerly direction with trees that have high knees. Follow the valley, and it quickly becomes the root maze. Follow that to its lowest point, and you should as the Gate by sundown."

"Yes, Master Shaw," Bernia said.

"Fleta, I'll follow your directions once we make ground."

When all were ready and waiting, a few barked commands from Hereward urged the camp down the tree. The climb tortured their sore fingers, even when the climbers found soft, mossy handholds. Lost in the ache and tunnel vision of exhaustion, the descent was interminable and over before they realized it. When the last soldier had dripped into the pool of Thorgarick men at the base of the tree, they dispersed without ceremony or comment.