Members only Fiction Enough Rope, Chapter 7 In which Fleta's lies bring uncomfortable questions, faces an unexpected visitor, and realizes her shelter was not as it seemed.
Members only Fiction Enough Rope, Chapter 6 In which Fleta makes big decisions, and does what she does best.
Lore/Wiki Lore: The Paragons of Marble Halls The nature of the Paragons and how they shape the Marble Halls.
Members only Enough Rope, Chapter 5 In which Fleta and Bertram puzzle over sorcerers before they both receive bad news.
Members only Enough Rope, Chapter 4 In which Fleta enters Riddleberg and encounters a strange individual who seems to know too much.
Enough Rope Enough Rope, Chapter 2 In which Fleta learns fumbles through an investigation, rediscovers the better part of valor, and begins to wonder if her missing uncle is connected to the current situation.
Fiction Enough Rope, Chapter 1 In which Fleta puts on a show, argues with her sword, gets help from an unlikely source, and spends some time in a broom closet of the grandest temple in the kingdom.
Fiction Enough Rope, All Chapters Fleta, now a widely recognized champion with a friend-turned-magical sword, seeks revenge upon the sorcerers responsible for last summer's deadly disaster. Unfortunately, her enemies seem more keen on helping than her allies do.
Fiction The Basement in the Basement, Pt 2 In which somethings just won't stay buried, and Marvin is forced to confront a horror in the secret basement.
The Tale of the Mysterious Creature In which my youngest son spins a yarn about mysterious creatures coming out of magical gates.
Today, the Abyss is Just Phoning It In Deep Thoughts from R'lyeh, with thanks to Jack Handy and Cthulhu.
Fiction The Girl in the Red Cloak, Part 3: The Silver Shore In which the drowning sailor hears a parable about the consequences of oath breaking before he decides whether to swear an oath to unknown forces.
Fiction The Girl in the Red Cloak, Part 2: The Marble Halls In which a girl runs into a man with a red cloak and has a riddle contest without understanding the stakes.
Fiction The Girl in the Red Cloak, Part 1: The Deathless Faire In which a drowning sailor gets a temporary reprieve and an other-worldly story.
Fiction The Proving of Champions, Chapter 1 In which figuratively everyone tells Fleta she's not ready for the Proving of Champions, and she refuses to listen.
Members only Rasque, Tarasque The Proving of Champions, Chapter 22 (Finale!) In which Fleta fights sorcerers, argues with a sword, and decides who she is going to be.
Rasque, Tarasque Featured Read All of "The Proving of Champions," Free Portal Fantasy Portal fantasy Godzilla / Predator mashup. Fleta the super-fast monk girl, Alexei the 100-soul warrior, telepathic mushrooms, and others are stranded in a jungle with a giant monster that digests and absorbs powers.
Members only Rasque, Tarasque The Proving of Champions, Chapter 21 In which Fleta and the tarasque fight to the death.
Members only Fiction The Proving of Champions, Chapter 20 In which the Sum of all Sins hunts the warriors of the Marble Halls, Fleta wields the weeping falchion, and the weeping falchion begins to wield her.
Members only Rasque, Tarasque The Proving of Champions, Chapter 19 In which Alexei and Welkris have a rematch, of sorts. The camp prepares for the worst, and underestimates it.